Hi, I’m Jared.
Welcome to BlackPianoKeys –
the intersection of brain science & music.
What will you find here?
Two things…
First, there will be some banter about how listening to, and making music can benefit your brain. Stress relief, improved memory, better language skills, etc. I’m not a psychologist, I just find this fascinating.
Second (and more importantly), I will give you some concrete ways to take brain science – specifically the science of learning – and apply it to learning music, because that’s probably why you’re here.
As an adult, maybe you wonder if:
- You should have taken music lessons long ago as a child to get good at it.
- You won’t have enough practice time in your busy schedule to make it worth it.
- It will take a long time to make any musical progress.
By applying a few simple scientific learning techniques – that are often applied in other learning fields, – you can totally overcome these obstacles.
So why hasn’t this scientific learning approach been applied to music?
I don’t know for sure, but I think maybe it’s partly because of our obsession with “experts.” We have to listen to and learn from only the best. That’s great, but often the best in the field, aren’t the best teachers of that field. They’re good at what they do, but often not as good at teaching it.
I’m an OK pianist, but definitely not world-class. But I also have experience teaching, and I’m confident that with this method, you can learn to play piano as well.
Why not just give it a shot? Sign up below to try the first two lessons of my Sight Reading Crash Course completely free, and see if it works for you!